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XHM542 High Power Digital Audio Amplifier TPA3116D
TK. 680.19
LED Module 8 Bit Bar Module Type Common Cathode
TK. 95.08
MP3 Recording Module VS1053
TK. 680.07
TOMZN Automatic Voltage Current Protector Socket
TK. 1200.03
TOMZN Residual Current Circuit Breaker RCBO TPNL63A
TK. 1220.04
TOMZN 63A WiFi Smart Circuit Breaker TOB9e63
TK. 2450.02
PIC Mini System Development Board Microchip PIC16F877A
TK. 2250.06
Arduino UNO with Motor Driver KRduino Black Edition
TK. 2150.05
Arduino Nano Expansion Board
TK. 350.07
Motion Sensor Switch MCU Based Motion and Light Detector
TK. 1890.22
12V DC Long Stroke Linear Actuator 300mm
TK. 5990.08
1 Channel 5V 30A Opto Isolated Relay Module
TK. 340.08
ESP32 DEV Kit V1 Power Expansion Board
TK. 350.02
TOMZN Adjustable Over Under Voltage Current Protector TOVPD140EC
TK. 2250.04
Raspberry Pi 5 Aluminum Alloy Metal Case with Shell Passive Cooling
TK. 1750.07
Test Hook Clip Flexible Testing Probe P5004 Pair
TK. 795.02
Microwave Sensor Body Motion Detector Switch
TK. 1200.05
Hobby Gearmotor 6V TT Dual Shaft BO Metal Gear Motor
TK. 310.05
ESP01 ESP8266 Serial WiFi Transceiver Programmer Adapter
TK. 270.02
GF07 Mini GPS Tracker Real Time Location Tracking
TK. 1560.07
Lab Power Supply Dual Channel DC 30V 5A Encoder Knob NICE POWER SPS305 2KD
TK. 18500.06
LED Display 14 Segment Common Cathode 2 Digit 0.54inch
TK. 180.07
Arduino Uno R4 WiFi Original Version
TK. 6500.07
SONOFF NSPanel Pro Smart Home Control Panel
TK. 12300.02
USB Boost Converter Power Cable 5V to 9V 12V
TK. 280.03
Stepper Motor Driver Expansion Board DRV8825 A4988
TK. 240.06
LILYGO T ETH Lite ESP32 S3 Camera Shield H683
TK. 1890.06
LILYGO T ETH Lite ESP32 S3 W5500 Ethernet WiFi Bluetooth Module H674
TK. 2950.04
ESP01 ESP8266 Serial WiFi Transceiver Module 4MB Flash
TK. 420.07
Logic Analyzer LA1010 16 Channel 100MHz Sampling Rate
TK. 8200.03
Self Locking Push Button Switch
TK. 25.03
2S Lithium Ion BMS Board Round Shape
TK. 120.03
Servo Motor Clutch Type 6Kg 180 Degree
TK. 1650.02
Attiny13 AVR Developments Board
TK. 730.07
Sound Detection Sensor Module
TK. 95.02
Digital Power Energy Meter 3Phase DTS6619 WIFIIPV 100A
TK. 11250.06
Soldering Iron 80W Sunshine SL936D Intelligent Control
TK. 1350.02
SONOFF Zigbee Door Window Sensor SNZB04P
TK. 1620.03
SONOFF Zigbee Wireless Switch SNZB01P
TK. 1320.03
Multifunction Learning Board For Arduino UNO 9 in 1
TK. 550.02
NTC Thermistor Thermal Sensor Module 4 Pin
TK. 95.03
INA219 Current Sensor Module
TK. 220.05
Multifunctional Component Tester LCR P1 FNIRSI
TK. 5500.04
DIY Pulley Motor Wheel
TK. 30.05
Three Layer Variable Pulley for Motor Gearbox
TK. 30.03
Hand Drill Chuck 6.5mm for DC 12V 775 Motor
TK. 550.06
AC Power Monitor Voltage Current Frequency Power Factor Display SDM009
TK. 2150.04
Ywrobot 3D printer Dual Stepper Motor Drive Expansion Board 8825 A4988
TK. 690.06
PIC KIT 3.5 Debugger Programmer
TK. 3550.06
Data Cable Detection Module USB Cable Tester Detector DT3
TK. 245.07
PIC16F877A Microcontroller Learning Board
TK. 3750.08
Raspberry Pi Pico Microcontroller Learning Board with Touch Display
TK. 5300.05
Arduino Bootloader Shield AVR ISP Programmable Expansion Board
TK. 650.08
LED Display Panel 64X64 P3 RGB
TK. 2150.26
Drill Bit Center Punch Spiral Twist Titanium Coated
TK. 2551.28
Type C Connector with Base
TK. 70.05
Multi Servo Tester PWM Motor Driver
TK. 280.05
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