
SparkFun FTDI Basic Breakout - 5V

Model No: BRB-00060

TK. 1508.85

Availability: In stock


Category: Data Converter

Supplier: SparkFun, USA

This is a basic breakout board for the FTDI FT232RL USB to serial IC. The pinout of this board matches the FTDI cable to work with official Arduino and cloned 5V Arduino boards. It can also be used for general serial applications. The major difference with this board is that it brings out the DTR pin as opposed to the RTS pin of the FTDI cable. The DTR pin allows an Arduino target to auto-reset when a new Sketch is downloaded. This is a really nice feature to have and allows a sketch to be downloaded without having to hit the reset button. This board will auto reset any Arduino board that has the reset pin brought out to a 6-pin connector.

The pins labeled BLK and GRN correspond to the colored wires on the FTDI cable. The black wire on the FTDI cable is GND, green is CTS. Use these BLK and GRN pins to align the FTDI basic board with your Arduino target.

This board has TX and RX LEDs that make it a bit better to use over the FTDI cable. You can actually see serial traffic on the LEDs to verify if the board is working.

This board was designed to decrease the cost of Arduino development and increase ease of use (the auto-reset feature rocks!). Our Arduino Pro boards and LilyPads use this type of connector.

One of the nice features of this board is a jumper on the back of the board that allows the board to be configured to either 3.3V or 5V (both power output and IO level). This board ship default to 5V, but you can cut the default trace and add a solder jumper if you need to switch to 3.3V.

Click here to know more about this product.

Note: FTDI Basic Breakout Board doesn't provide any cable with it, just the device. You can use this cable with this product.

Question & Answer

Total 8 questions

Q: I need this, but wow the price is too high -_- Questioned by Salseng, 23-Mar-2015

Q: i need this thing so badly. can you pls inform me when you can have one of those. or can you pls manage 1 of those for me within 2/3 days. i can pay more then it's regular price. e-mail me plz: Questioned by, 04-Nov-2015

It may be available on Saturday. Answered by A.R, 05-Nov-2015 09:49 AM

Ok. Can you informe me plz when it come. Answered by, 05-Nov-2015 18:31 PM

Please click on Notify me W/A. You will get SMS as soon as it is available. Answered by A.R, 08-Nov-2015 10:23 AM

Q: Today is Saterday!eta ki aj asse? Questioned by, 07-Nov-2015

Not yet. We wrote 'it may' not 'it will'. Sorry for this delay. Answered by A.R, 08-Nov-2015 10:24 AM

Q: i need it. can you give me another date plz Questioned by, 08-Nov-2015

Sorry. Can't say. It's taking more time than we expected. We are so sorry. Answered by A.R, 08-Nov-2015 15:16 PM

Q: ai week a paoya jabe ki? Questioned by, 09-Nov-2015

Hopefully. Answered by A.R, 10-Nov-2015 09:37 AM

Available now. Answered by A.R, 11-Nov-2015 17:10 PM

Q: apnara ki check kore send koren? ami onek try korlam but "Device not properly" msg astese. ki korbo ekhon? Questioned by, 15-Nov-2015

See the documents section and make sure that you are meticulously following the driver installation procedure and everything else. Also make sure that the driver you are installing is compatible with your OS too. Answered by A.R, 16-Nov-2015 09:40 AM

Q: Will this product be available soon? I'll need one soon to program an ESP8266 Wi-Fi module. I can do that with this FTDI module right? Questioned by shuvo721, 10-May-2016

This product will be available within next 7 days. You can select "Notify Me W/A" button from the product link. When this product is available, this will automatically send an email and a SMS to your cell phone. Answered by FAHIM_REAZA, 11-May-2016 11:34 AM

Already done, thank you. Could I use the techshopbd usb to serial converter board with the esp8266 instead? Will that work? Answered by shuvo721, 11-May-2016 11:36 AM

Q: Hi, when will this product be available? Is there any alternative (3&5V) ? Questioned by ShehabShameer, 18-Apr-2017

Unfortunately our one is also out of stock. But that is supposed to be available earlier than the sparkfun's one. Answered by A.R, 19-Apr-2017 09:45 AM

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