******Without Servo Motors******


6 degress of freedom mechanical robotic arm. 


Packing list: 

 - Multifunctional brackets  x  4
- Long U shape brackets  x  2
- Long U shape brackets with servo cutout  x  1
- L shape brackets  x 2
- U beam brackets  x  2
- Robotic Gripper  x  1

- Cup bearings  x  3
- Screws & nuts   x  1 set
- Cable tie, servo wire extender, wire cover spiral tape etc.


Recommended Accessories:

Recommended compatible servo motor: MG-996 (click here)  or MG995 (click here)
Compatible servo horn: Metal Servo Horn (click here
Recommended also: Servo power supply (click here

See also: USB servo controller (click here)




- Metal parts can either be black or silver depending on our current stock.
- Product package contains parts that the user is supposed to assemble. Images of assembled product are for demostration only.
- Product package doesn't contain any servo motor

  • Dimension: 21*17.4cm
  • Weight: about 500g
  • Material: aluminum alloy
  • Function: clamping objects

Question & Answer

Total 13 questions

Q: how many servo it will need ...and which servo specify plz Questioned by edtmamun, 19-Oct-2015

Six degrees of freedom means 6 servos. Answered by A.R, 19-Oct-2015 09:51 AM

ok But i want to know which servo..360 / 180 / Mini / Metel gear ...Which one Answered by edtmamun, 22-Oct-2015 22:52 PM

MG996 servo fits with it. Answered by A.R, 25-Oct-2015 11:37 AM

Q: If I want to take delivery by hand, is it possible? How and from whetr can I do that? Questioned by MdShirazimMunir, 09-Nov-2015

Q: If I want to take delivery by hand, is it possible? How and from whetr can I do that? Questioned by MdShirazimMunir, 09-Nov-2015

Q: If I want to take delivery by hand, is it possible? How and from whetr can I do that? Questioned by MdShirazimMunir, 09-Nov-2015

You always have to place order through website. After doing that, you can take your package from our office. You just have to make a phone call before coming. Please note that even if you come and take your delivery, BDT 55 delivery charge will be taken. Answered by A.R, 09-Nov-2015 16:18 PM

Q: Can I use mg945 servo with it? Questioned by MdShirazimMunir, 21-Nov-2015

MG996 fits with it. Answered by A.R, 22-Nov-2015 09:54 AM

Q: eta ki arduino dara controll kora jabe and ata ki smart phn apps dia controol kora jabe Questioned by Rumman308, 23-Dec-2016

এটি শুধুই ছয়টা সার্ভো‌সহ একটি হ্যান্ডের স্ট্রাকচার। আপনি কী দিয়ে কন্ট্রোল করবেন তা আপনার ব্যপার। সবই নিজে করে নিতে হবে। Answered by A.R, 23-Dec-2016 21:28 PM

Q: এটা কবে আসবে। । । Questioned by tanvir81, 15-May-2017

Q: What are The dimensions of this arm? Questioned by AlifdaViper, 22-Jun-2017

Please see the 'specifications' section. Answered by A.R, 22-Jun-2017 14:16 PM

Q: Is this product including servo horn? Questioned by JahidHossainE, 12-Mar-2019

Packing list: Multifunctional bracket x 5 Long U shape bracket x 3 L shape bracket x 1 Cup bearing x 3 Screw nut x 1 set Alloy mechanical claw x 1 U beam bracket x 2 No horn. Answered by A.R, 12-Mar-2019 15:52 PM

Q: Hello. I have bought it. Can you please share how to assemble it.. cant find the proper one on yt Questioned by Sayedsameer620@gmail.com, 15-Oct-2022

Please send us email (technicalsupport@techshopbd.com)for getting technical support about our products. Our technical team will help you, Thanks. Answered by almamun3248, 20-Oct-2022 14:41 PM

Q: Do you have the arm flange rod for the 6 dof robotic arm.?? Questioned by mdsaberhossain, 07-Mar-2023

Q: Do you have the arm flange rod for the 6 dof robotic arm.?? Questioned by mdsaberhossain, 07-Mar-2023

Sorry, we don't have it. Answered by almamun3248, 09-Mar-2023 17:56 PM

Q: can this use stepper motors instead? Questioned by fuadzkamal@gmail.com, 24-Apr-2023

No Answered by almamun3248, 26-Apr-2023 13:40 PM

Reviews & Ratings


17 Ratings / 2 Reviews







sadman.aalif@gmail.com, 26-Oct-2024

Good quality product. Gets the job done


kisholoy7.12@gmail.com, 22-Jan-2025

The quality of the arm is great but I wouldn't suggest building the whole arm using Mg996 servos only. Building it with only those will not fully use the strength of the servos in the wrist region. I would suggest buying a 20kg-cm servo(TD-8120MG) for the shoulder and elbow region of the arm. Otherwise, I would suggest converting this arm to a 5DOF or 4DOF configuration if you don't buy a 20kg-cm servo for the shoulder and elbow region. Doing so will ensure that your Mg996 servos don't wear out quickly.

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