A complete 5V solution.

If you want to make your own  5V DC supply, this kit is for you.

This Power supply kit consists of:

  • DC Jack
  • Transformer(12V,1000mA)
  • AC cable
  • 5V power development stick PCB
  • Necessary components for the PCB:
    • Slide switch x1 (B1)
    • DC socket x1 (J1)
    • 1N4007 x1(D1)
    • 2.7K Ohm x1(R1)
    • Male connector x2 (5V-Gnd)
    • Female connector x1(Vin-Gnd-5V)
    • Red LED x1(D3)
    • 470uF/50V x1(C1)
    • 47uF/25V x1(C2)
    • 104 pF ceramic capacitor x2(C3,C4)
    • Regulator-LM7805 x1 (U1)
    • 1N4007(2 PCS)


To complete the PCB, check out our Soldering Kit.

Question & Answer

Total 29 questions

Q: please tell me how to make the 5V power supply. I have the components but I don't know how to connect them. Questioned by Akil, 19-Jan-2013

Its actually very easy. You can see the 7805's datasheet. Also please browse this link: "http://www.techshopbd.com/index.php/tutorial-categories/avr-tutorial/chapter-3-supply-circuit" - Hope this helps. Answered by Fahad, 21-Jan-2013 19:12 PM

Q: My mistake. I was trying to say that I don't know how to solder the circuit. Questioned by Akil, 23-Jan-2013

Q: Can we get the legends for the PCB keys? Like what does each of the names refer to? I am completely new to electronics and its a bit frustrating to have everything in my grasp yet I cant put it together. Questioned by Samiul.Hoque.26, 04-Mar-2013

Q: And could someone please put a list up for the ' necessary components for PCB ' part.. Solving this puzzle would be easier I we knew wut each of the pieces are -_- Questioned by Samiul.Hoque.26, 04-Mar-2013

Q: Found the info for the power stick or the PCB mentioned here "http://www.techshopbd.com/index.php/product-categories/modules-9698/modules/breadboard-power-supply-stick-5v" Sorry for bothering you all, but now a new topic.. How exactly to connect the transformer, the2x remaining 1N4007 Questioned by Samiul.Hoque.26, 04-Mar-2013

We have sent you a mail explaining the process to your e-mail id(The one you have used in techshop).Please check that out. Answered by A.R, 05-Mar-2013 17:55 PM

I also need the explanation..please send it to my email. Answered by rafisameen, 09-Jan-2014 18:36 PM

We have sent you a mail. Please check that out. Answered by A.R, 12-Jan-2014 12:18 PM

Q: Can you please send it to my email as well? Questioned by hossain.eee, 14-Feb-2014

Have you bought the kit? If so, please mention your order number. Answered by A.R, 17-Feb-2014 09:38 AM

Invoice # 104433 Answered by hossain.eee, 17-Feb-2014 16:11 PM

Q: i have got couple of questions, 1. isnt it necessary to use a heat sink? 2. i got only 2 4007 s ... not 3... :/ ... need some help here...are we supposed to make a bridge with those? may be the mail mentioned before might help Questioned by shafqat, 17-Feb-2014

1) With this power supply kit, you can make this power supply stick http://www.techshopbd.com/product-categories/modules-9698/807/breadboard-power-supply-stick-5v-techshop-bangladesh. No heat sink has been used here.2) In this PCB only one 4007 diode has been used, but with the kit we provide one extra. Answered by A.R, 17-Feb-2014 09:45 AM

yup...that stick is already up and running ... but what about the conversion? i mean ac to dc? :O Answered by shafqat, 17-Feb-2014 14:26 PM

Q: can i have only the pcb? ive ruined my pcb when soldering. i need few of them. is that possible? Questioned by atifmahbub, 14-Jun-2014

Oops! Sorry. That's not possible. Answered by A.R, 14-Jun-2014 01:52 AM

Q: can i power my breadboard using it? Questioned by Saadatshahidi, 27-Jan-2015

Yes! This is for breadboard. Answered by A.R, 28-Jan-2015 10:38 AM

Q: for a running robot how can i give 12vsupply to convert it 5v? like 1.5*8? Questioned by citianz2011, 19-Feb-2015

Using some mobile batteries in series will serve the purpose. Answered by A.R, 20-Feb-2015 21:28 PM

Q: As this transfor is 12v then if i switch 12v voltage regulator.. can i able to get 12 v output?? thanks Questioned by spider321, 11-Jan-2016

To get constant 12V output from a voltage regulator, input voltage must be higher than that. Answered by A.R, 12-Jan-2016 09:52 AM

Q: যদি কোন ভোল্টেজ রেগুলেটর ব্যবহার না করি তাহলে আউটপুট ভোল্টেজ কত পবো? আমি কি এই কিট দিয়ে ১২ ভোল্ট পাওয়ার সাপ্লাই বানাতে পারবো? Questioned by Shohan33, 06-Feb-2016

না। Answered by A.R, 07-Feb-2016 14:05 PM

Q: I am new to electronics so can anyone tell me which item is what and how to assemble them. Questioned by golamrabbani, 20-Aug-2016

Dear customer, if you are new in electronics and have no enough knowledge about soldering, then please we suggest you to use the following pre-assembled circuity. Link_1 = Power Adapter: https://www.techshopbd.com/product-categories/charger/1501/12v-2-0a-power-adapter-techshop-bangladesh Link_2 = Power Supply Stick = https://www.techshopbd.com/product-categories/modules-98775/2118/breadboard-power-supply-stick-3-3v-5v-techshop-bangladesh However if you have any problem, please contact with our engineers of the "TechShop Bangladesh Technical Team". Cell: +8801833168171 Thanks for with us. Answered by FAHIM_REAZA, 21-Aug-2016 11:48 AM

Q: Can you please tell me how to merge it.If you send a video instruction it will be best.Thank you. Questioned by Akibul, 22-Jun-2020

Please see this manual: https://www.techshopbd.com/uploads/product_document/powersupply.pdf Answered by A.R, 23-Jun-2020 10:31 AM

Q: testestest Questioned by ersoyleyen_1@hotmail.com, 16-Jul-2024

Q: testestest Questioned by ersoyleyen_1@hotmail.com, 16-Jul-2024

Q: testestest Questioned by ersoyleyen_1@hotmail.com, 16-Jul-2024

Q: testestest Questioned by ersoyleyen_1@hotmail.com, 16-Jul-2024

Q: testestest Questioned by ersoyleyen_1@hotmail.com, 16-Jul-2024

Q: testestest Questioned by ersoyleyen_1@hotmail.com, 16-Jul-2024

Q: testestest Questioned by ersoyleyen_1@hotmail.com, 16-Jul-2024

Q: testestest Questioned by ersoyleyen_1@hotmail.com, 16-Jul-2024

Q: testestest Questioned by ersoyleyen_1@hotmail.com, 16-Jul-2024

Q: testestest Questioned by ersoyleyen_1@hotmail.com, 16-Jul-2024

Q: testestest Questioned by ersoyleyen_1@hotmail.com, 16-Jul-2024

Q: testestest Questioned by ersoyleyen_1@hotmail.com, 16-Jul-2024

Q: testestest Questioned by ersoyleyen_1@hotmail.com, 16-Jul-2024

Q: testestest Questioned by ersoyleyen_1@hotmail.com, 16-Jul-2024

Q: testestest Questioned by ersoyleyen_1@hotmail.com, 16-Jul-2024

Reviews & Ratings


1 Ratings / 2 Reviews






muntaseershams@gmail.com, 01-Feb-2022

may i get a detailed manual for this? thanks


devang@yopmail.com, 22-Nov-2023

I use this product and working fine for me


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