
MQ135 Gas Sensor Module Hydrogen Sulfide Gas Sensing

Model No: SEN-00086

TK. 190.35


Category: Gas

Supplier: Made in China

This Gas sensor is suitable for detecting NH3,NOx, alcohol, Benzene, smoke,CO2 ,etc. It is used in air quality control equipments for buildings/offices.

  • Circuit voltage :5V±0.1
  • Heating voltage :5V±0.1
  • Load resistance: can adjust
  • Heater resistance :33Ω±5%
  • Heating consumption: less than 800mw

Question & Answer

Total 4 questions

Q: Is datasheet included with this product? Questioned by tarifbabu, 25-Sep-2014

Datasheet is already given in the documents section. Answered by A.R, 25-Sep-2014 09:52 AM

Q: How to use it???? Questioned by bdnoman, 20-Nov-2016

Q: how to calibrate this gas sensor? will you please tell me the process? Questioned by shahed1302055, 01-Jun-2018

The blue volume POT should be adjusted. Please see the datasheet given in the documents section. Answered by A.R, 03-Jun-2018 09:57 AM

Q: Can it detects lpg gas(ch4)? Questioned by Latifa223, 17-Mar-2019

No. Please chose the right one from this list: Answered by A.R, 18-Mar-2019 11:58 AM

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