Model No: ARD-00060
TK. 8200.06
Availability: In stock
Category: Arduino & Accessories
Supplier: Seeed Studio, China
Enjoy 4% Discount on total bill on order worth BDT 10000 or more. Enjoy 2% Discount on total bill on order worth BDT 5000 or more.
The difference between this version and the previous version is, changing the arduino socket to the latest Arduino Uno standard. Except this, all the features are same with the previous version.
Question & Answer
Total 2 questions
Q: could i send/ Receive data from internet (as like Questioned by borhanreo, 24-Aug-2015
Yes, if you have use a sim with EDGE/GPRS connection. Answered by A.R, 25-Aug-2015 10:27 AM
Q: Why is this so pricey. This GSM shield is from SeeedStudio. And it's $29.49. So, it could be 3000bdt maximum. But no way it can be 7619 bdt. link: Questioned by makjunior92, 28-Oct-2017
Please see the price here and then judge. We do not know the mantra of selling anything at lesser price than the manufacturer! And FYI, now seeedstudio has discontinued v2 and dropped down the price to 59 Dollar. When we bought it, it was even more. This is quite old stock. Answered by A.R, 28-Oct-2017 16:01 PM
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0 Ratings / 1 Reviews, 13-Sep-2023
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