Model No: SEN-00132
TK. 2609.45
Availability: In stock
Category: Gyro, Accelerometer & Compass
Supplier: Made in China
10 DOF IMU Sensor (B) is good at motion monitor, as well as detecting/measuring the position, height, and temperature. It would be helpful for making your own copter or balancing robot, provides great man-machine interaction.
1 | VCC | 3.3V~5.5V power supply |
2 | GND | power ground |
3 | SDA | I2C data pin |
4 | SCL | I2C clock pin |
5 | INT | MPU9255 digital interrupt output |
6 | FSYNC | MPU9255 vertical sync signal |
Question & Answer
Total 2 questions
Q: Is there any Arduino Library for use with this device? And are the libraries required for Adafruit 10DOF compatible with it? And where can I get the perfect instructions for using this Questioned by kaziabraar, 22-Dec-2016
Q: Did Anyone use this device properly? I used MPU6050 library as I could not find a similar MPU9255 library. Can anyone help to get MPU9255 or MPU9250 library and solve the connection problem. I tried to run the example code MPU6050_DMP6 with MPU6050 and I2Cdev libraries. I can get raw values. But, It gives me the message "MPU6050 connection failed". Can anyone help me to get the message "MPU6050 connection successful"? Thanks and regards Wahab Questioned by wahab_bd, 20-May-2017
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