HCSR04 is an Ultrasonic ranging module which consists of a transmitter,receiver and control circuit. It has four pins for VCC, GND, Trigger and Echo.You can easily interface it with micrcontrollers and Arduino boards.

The basic principle of work is:

(1) Using IO trigger for at least 10us high level signal,
(2) The Module automatically sends eight 40 kHz and detect whether there is a
pulse signal back.
(3) IF the signal back, through high level , time of high output IO duration is
the time from sending ultrasonic to returning.
Test distance = (high level time×velocity of sound (340M/S) / 2


Get Bracket for Sonar sensor here.

  • Working Voltage DC 5 V
  • Working Current 15mA
  • Working Frequency 40Hz
  • Max Range 4m
  • Min Range 2cm
  • Measuring Angle 15 degree
  • Trigger Input Signal 10uS TTL pulse
  • Echo Output Signal Input TTL lever signal and the range in proportion
  • Dimension 45*20*15mm

Question & Answer

Total 21 questions

Q: When will this be available again? And do you have anything else that I can use? I want to make an obstacle avoiding robot using Arduino. Questioned by masudur_rahim, 28-Sep-2014

After Eid Ul Adha. For obstacle detection, IR trans receiver pair can be used too but honestly, this one is a far better choice. Answered by A.R, 29-Sep-2014 10:18 AM

Can you give me an exact date? I need this urgently. Answered by masudur_rahim, 08-Oct-2014 00:24 AM

Sorry. We are closed now. Can't tell exactly. Answered by A.R, 08-Oct-2014 00:32 AM

Q: When it will be available again? Will the new stock reduce the price? {PLEASE ANSWER} Questioned by tahmidzu, 28-Sep-2014

After Eid ul Adha. Can't say about the price yet. Answered by A.R, 29-Sep-2014 10:17 AM

Q: when is this going to be available again? Questioned by harry99901, 12-Oct-2014

Never!!! Answered by Sheikh_Razee, 23-Dec-2014 00:22 AM

Q: when it will be available ? Questioned by fatineee, 03-Dec-2014

Q: I need this badly. I am a lecturer of World University of Bangladesh. I am taking peripheral class in this semester. So my 30 students will need this display as I assume. I need minimum one display by tomorrow. Will you please manage this? I will place a order of about 6000 tk. But only because of LCD 1602 (3.3V Blue Backlight) and Sonar Sensor (HC-SR04), I have been waiting for more than 5 days to place the order. Questioned by Sheikh_Razee, 21-Dec-2014

Q: I was told it might be available today!!! But still showing not in the stock!!! Questioned by Sheikh_Razee, 21-Dec-2014

Q: I was told it might be available today!!! But still showing not in the stock!!! Questioned by Sheikh_Razee, 21-Dec-2014

Q: I need this badly. I am a lecturer of World University of Bangladesh. I am taking peripheral class in this semester. So my 30 students will need this display as I assume. I need minimum one display by tomorrow. Will you please manage this? I will place a order of about 6000 tk. But only because of LCD 1602 (3.3V Blue Backlight) and Sonar Sensor (HC-SR04), I have been waiting for more than 5 days to place the order. Questioned by Sheikh_Razee, 21-Dec-2014

Q: I need this badly. I am a lecturer of World University of Bangladesh. I am taking peripheral class in this semester. So my 30 students will need this display as I assume. I need minimum one display by tomorrow. Will you please manage this? I will place a order of about 6000 tk. But only because of Sonar Sensor (HC-SR04), I have been waiting for more than 5 days to place the order. Questioned by Sheikh_Razee, 21-Dec-2014

Q: When will this sensor be available ? Questioned by rahul.snal, 03-Feb-2015

Q: when it will be available?? Questioned by fizur2, 05-Feb-2015

Q: Idaning akte bishoy lokkhonio hocche ja " Techshop a onek components ar price briddhi kora hocche " Ata ottonto dukkho-jonok ! Ata holo sob kichu ak jaiga theka kena ar ghore boshe thakar mashul ! Believe me ! Ami jantam, apnera atar dam baraben ! Thik tai e holo ! Questioned by suntop, 07-Feb-2015

Earlier we brought it from China,now from local market at a small quantity in emergency basis. So, you understand that already somebody made huge profit on us. It was not our obligation to sell something which is not that profitable for us. We just brought this on customers' continuous request. Nobody is telling anyone to be confine to home, nobody is telling anyone that they must purchase it from TSB. Answered by A.R, 08-Feb-2015 09:45 AM

Tera-bera kotha bolen kano ? Dam beshi bole kee oporad korsi naki ?? Of course "Nobody is telling anyone to be confine to home, nobody is telling anyone that they must purchase it from TSB. " YOU DON'T NEED TO REMIND THAT ! NO ONE IS ASKING YOU TO MAKE LESS PROFIT EITHER ! But you must remember that, this kind of attitude (the way you reply to your customers) will be harmful to your business at some point ! " Convenience comes at high price", sai kotha e ami bollam , ar apne tele-begun'e jole uthlen ? ! I am really shocked !! Answered by suntop, 09-Feb-2015 01:16 AM

Nobody is giving tera bera answer. Everything is straight forward here. A product's price may vary with the international market at the first place. In case it is purchased from local market, the price may vary too. Now, we believe that our customers are matured enough to understand that. What you mean is important, but it is also important to think what people may understand specially when you are typing so many question marks and interjection marks. If our comment offended you, we are sorry. But let us remind you one more thing. You may be very experienced but most of the People working here are much senior to you in age and academic qualification. They deserve some decorum too. Keeping that in mind is always appreciable. Answered by A.R, 09-Feb-2015 21:59 PM

I do understand that the price varies on international market, for exchange rates, purchased amount ! I also appreciate whenever you lower the price of some products or bring something really good ! But when you say "People working here are much senior to you in age and academic qualification" , I agree on the first part that some of you might be few years senior to me But When You Question My "ACADEMIC QUALIFICATION" DON'T YOU THINK YOU ARE INSULTING ME ? Do you have any idea about my Academic Qualification ? For your Information I have completed BSc in EEE (2011)+ worked in a power plant for 2 years as an Assistant Engineer + continuing MSc in University of Dhaka ! Please don't insult your customers, we will of course respect you for your contribution of "Making Things Happen" and providing support for Development Activities in the field of On Hand Electronics, helping young generation to learn properly. Thank You ! Answered by suntop, 09-Feb-2015 22:29 PM

Oh no. We are not here to underesrimate anybody. Period. We are happy to announce that many of the employees and key people behind this venture completed their Masters, PHD etc. long ago, the rests at least finished their Grads except those who do not need that degree here. Never mind. That is not the point at all. The point is everyone deserves the respect as workers. There is a thin line between workers and slaves :) Answered by A.R, 09-Feb-2015 23:40 PM

Q: price increase korate obak holam..... age chilo 200 tk , ekhon keno increase kora holo ! :/ gulistan thekeo sedin 200 taka te kinlam eta ..... ei link tay dekhun , dam aro kom, only 170 TK https://www.facebook.com/RoboAccessBD/photos/a.790589501029307.1073741827.382849538469974/799145516840372/?type=1&theater asha kori apnara price punoray bibechona korben Questioned by rahul.snal, 07-Feb-2015

Earlier we brought it from China,now from local market at a small quantity in emergency basis. So, you understand that already somebody made huge profit on us. It was not our obligation to sell something which is not that profitable for us. We just brought this on customers' continuous request. Answered by A.R, 08-Feb-2015 09:47 AM

Q: ai sensor koto metre/foot/inch porjonto detecte korte parbe koto foot/inch porjonto max range ba kaj korbe? Questioned by shourov59, 26-Dec-2016

Q: ai sensor koto metre/foot/inch porjonto detecte korte parbe koto foot/inch porjonto max range ba kaj korbe? Questioned by shourov59, 26-Dec-2016

Please see the specifications section and datasheet. Answered by A.R, 26-Dec-2016 11:42 AM

Q: ist it as same as Ultrasonic Module HC-SR04 Distance Measuring Ranging Transducer Sensor.. i want to make a distance measurement device Questioned by arafathyeashir, 15-Feb-2017

Same. Answered by A.R, 16-Feb-2017 10:35 AM

Q: Can I use it as a ultrasonic sensor? I want to make a obstacle avoiding robot. Questioned by rinipakhe11, 07-May-2017

Q: Is it a ultrasonic sensor please answer. Questioned by rinipakhe11, 08-May-2017

Yes. Answered by A.R, 10-May-2017 12:28 PM

Q: The sensor I bought from tech-shop is giving me inaccurate distance whereas another sensor with same code and setup bought from local shop is giving exact distance!!! Questioned by Sheikh_Razee, 25-Mar-2018

What is your order ID? Answered by A.R, 25-Mar-2018 09:38 AM

My order ID was #109828. It was bought long time ago and never used before 24th March, 2018. But another sensor which was giving exact distance bought 8 years ago and used once or twice. Answered by Sheikh_Razee, 28-Mar-2018 04:06 AM

Sorry. According to our warranty policy(https://www.techshopbd.com/about-us/support#warranty_replacement), complain with Chinese products must be given within 3 days of purchase. If it was our manufactured product, we could do something. Answered by A.R, 30-Mar-2018 19:39 PM

It's okay. Answered by Sheikh_Razee, 01-Apr-2018 12:53 PM

Q: Is it going to fry Arduino Due's pin? Probably foolish to ask, cause it is 5v and Due pins are 3•3v(maybe?), But asking. Questioned by Craftsman, 03-Dec-2018

It is recommended to use a logic level converter. Answered by A.R, 04-Dec-2018 09:30 AM

Can I have a recommendation of a good logic level converter? Answered by Craftsman, 05-Dec-2018 19:20 PM

https://www.techshopbd.com/product-categories/modules-98775/2708/logic-level-converter-techshop-bangladesh Answered by A.R, 06-Dec-2018 11:24 AM

Q: when will this be available? Questioned by iamaxreen@gmail.com, 24-Feb-2023

It'll be available tomorrow. Answered by almamun3248, 28-Feb-2023 12:43 PM

Reviews & Ratings


22 Ratings / 1 Reviews







sahoriarbiswas@gmail.com, 20-Jan-2025

Product ta bhalo silo,, ekdom perfectly work korche,, Seller o valo and onk responsible person.. Thanks

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