Arduino Mega Price in BD

First, I have to mention that-, this is the low-cost Chinese version of Arduino Mega 2560 R3 from China with the same feature, pinout diagram, and board size.

But, if you are only the quality concern people, then please check the genuine version of Arduino Mega 2560 R3 from SparkFun, USA. This high-quality PCB Board and all of the genuine components give you a quality performance.

The Arduino mega price in bd of a Chinese version is about 4 to 5 times lower than that of the genuine copy.

 Chinese copy vs genuine copy of Arduino Mega?

Some unscrupulous businessmen are selling the Chinese copy of Arduino Mega and marking it as the original. Please don't get into the trap. If anyone claims the Arduino as the original copy, please go to the Arduino official website and check the store name on the distributor list or not?

As you can find the name of TechShop Bangladesh on the distributor list of SparkFun, USA. Which is the authentic distributor on Arduino.

We are strongly committed to serving our passionate fans with the best quality products. All of the products of our store are QC PASSED by our expert Engineers.

 Technical Specifications:







 Flash Memory

 256 KB


 8 KB


 16 KB (optional)

 Operating Voltage


 Input Voltage

 7-12V DC

 Digital I/O Pins

 54 (of which 15 provide PWM output)












 Arduino Mega Pin Diagram:


 Arduino Mega Datasheet:

 Arduino Mega Driver:

ATmega16U2 is used for USB-to-Serial conversion, enabling the Arduino IDE to connect with the board for USB programming and Serial Communication.

 How to Program?

To start programming with Arduino Mega 2560 first, you have to download and install the Arduino IDE from the official website. Simply, select the COM-Port according to the port generated on Device Manager after connecting the Arduino Mega on your computer via USB Cable A to B.   

Now from the Arduino IDE menu, go to Tools > Board: > Arduino / Genuino or Mega 2560. Write your program or go to File > Examples > Basics > Blink or as you want. Press the Upload button from the IDE.

That’s all. Enjoy!!!

 From where I can start learning?

By searching on google or youtube, you can find huge resources and tutorials. Also, you can follow the tutorials and references on the official website.

Package Includes

  • 1 x Arduino Mega 2560 - R3
  • 1 x USB Cable(Blue)


Note: This item is non-returnable. If this item arrives damaged or is not functioning properly, please contact us to determine if further actions may be taken.

Need help?

All of our Engineers are ready to serve you. If you have any queries, please don’t forget to through a comment in the bellow or simply make a phone call to 09678110110 from 09.00 am to 08.00 pm (7 days a week). You can also join us via Live Chat and Facebook Inbox.

Question & Answer

Total 23 questions

Q: when this will be available again? i need one. :) Questioned by atifmahbub, 01-Sep-2014

Q: Can i implement the Processing/Wiring language to the Arduino Mega 2560? Questioned by partha_pratim_banik, 25-Oct-2014

Arduino is based on wiring language. Processing is different. For details: Answered by A.R, 26-Oct-2014 17:07 PM

Q: is usb cable available with this? Questioned by shuvro, 15-Jan-2015

Yes. Answered by A.R, 18-Jan-2015 09:54 AM

Q: eta pabo kokhon? Questioned by citianz2011, 12-Mar-2015

Q: koyta servo cholbe? gripper with 6 servo motor and wheel with 4 gear motor 1ta arduino mega te cholbe? Questioned by Simonn, 07-Apr-2015

The position of servo motor horn is controlled by PWM. This board can independently control 15 servos. Gear motor can be toggled by transistors. So this board can independently control 54 of gear motors. Do not power the motors directly from the board. Because motors draw more power than the board pins can tolerate. Answered by Craftsman, 05-Dec-2018 19:42 PM

Q: why is the price so much? I have seen on another website that they have a Arduino Mega 2560 made in Italy at tk1800. And your one is made in china. Questioned by BhuiyanImam, 09-Oct-2015

Then it is our humble request to you to buy the mega from that shop so that you can realize that merely having a 'Made in Italy' seal does not make the product Italian. Of course we have the original Mega too. Here is the link. Just see our price and our supplier's price to compare and think what the price or an original mega should be. We are here for fair trade. Answered by A.R, 10-Oct-2015 09:34 AM

Q: When will this be available??? Questioned by Siamsikder, 30-Nov-2015

May be this week. Answered by A.R, 01-Dec-2015 09:52 AM

Q: where is the driver software???!! Questioned by Siamsikder, 17-Dec-2015

Driver is as same as UNO. And for windows 7, that need not be installed separately. Answered by A.R, 17-Dec-2015 16:26 PM

tahole unknown dakhai kano?? Answered by Siamsikder, 17-Dec-2015 16:37 PM

Q: its showing window could not find driver software for your windows Questioned by Siamsikder, 17-Dec-2015

which OS are you using? Answered by A.R, 17-Dec-2015 16:41 PM

Q: windows 7 Questioned by Siamsikder, 17-Dec-2015

It should not. Please change the cable. If still not luck, send us the board back along with a copy of your invoice. Sorry for this inconvenience. Answered by A.R, 17-Dec-2015 16:55 PM

Q: arduinop mega is just turning on but i cant upload any code to it!! but when i put arduino uno it works. Questioned by Siamsikder, 17-Dec-2015

Q: arduino* Questioned by Siamsikder, 17-Dec-2015

Have you selected 'Arduino mega' from the boards list? Answered by A.R, 17-Dec-2015 16:56 PM

Q: yes!! but still its not working Questioned by Siamsikder, 18-Dec-2015

Please check the reply given dated 17th december above. We already told you to send us the device back with invoice. We are copy pasting the reply again. A.R | Dec 17,2015 at 04:55 PM It should not. Please change the cable. If still not luck, send us the board back along with a copy of your invoice. Sorry for this inconvenience. Answered by A.R, 20-Dec-2015 10:07 AM

Q: plz help!! Questioned by Siamsikder, 18-Dec-2015

Q: why no response?? Questioned by Siamsikder, 18-Dec-2015

We already answered you in 17th DEC and told you to send back the device. Answered by A.R, 20-Dec-2015 10:11 AM

Q: Cable কিভাবে connect করবো? Questioned by salim.sadman111, 05-Apr-2016

Q: টেকসপে আরডুইনো মেগা ১৪৬১ টাকা কিন্তু এখানে মাত্র ১০৫০ টাকা পার্থক্য কি? Questioned by salim.sadman111, 20-May-2016

Difference is in Profit, Operating Cost, Management and Support ! Techshopbd is pricey but Techshopbd spends it money on Sponsoring Events, Quality Office Space and Development. BdSpeedyTech can sell at a lower price because their operating cost is low, their shop is in a congested room and they mostly import from China ( unlike from Brand Company ) BdSpeedyTech does charge higher shipping rate and also 20 taka/1000 taka extra fee for BKash Payment . Answered by suntop, 22-May-2016 14:46 PM

I buy from both of them - both are good. For Variety of products and Home Delivery - TechshopBd Rocks For Wholesale like purchase of larger amount none can beat BdSpeedyTech Do your Cost-Benefit Analysis and decide where to buy from ! Answered by suntop, 22-May-2016 14:50 PM

Techshop এ Suntop ভাই এর অনেক comment পরেছি আজ কথা বলে ভালো লাগলো। তবে shipping rate যাই হোক না কেনো তাদের রুম যতই congested হোক না কেনো parts দামটাই আসল ব্যাপার কারন shipping rate আর congested room আমার মতো ক্লাস 10 এর ছাত্রের জন্য কোনো বিষয় না। অপর দিকে techshop এর বিভিন্ন event এবং আরো যা কিছু আছে তা থেকে আমার মতো ঢাকার বাইরের ক্রেতার কোনো লাভ নেই। টাকা গুলো জেনো আমাদের কাছ থেকে জোর করে নিয়ে অন্য কাজে ব্যাবহার করা হচ্ছে যে কাজে আমাদের মত নেই, নেই কোনো লাভ। যেন দিন দুপুরে ডাকাতি। Answered by salim.sadman111, 22-May-2016 15:00 PM

Kinda true ! But Techshopbd started the trend of Hardware Developer/Project Maker's market, now they have dozons of competitors ! You youngsters are lucky to have so many options these days, back in the days getting a Microcontroller Board or a simple sensor was really difficult and expensive ! I did my B.Sc like 6 years back and I was noob, when I passed ! I must thank to techshopbd for providing hardware, so I learned a lot by myself in last 3 years. Anyway, I think you should not complain about price, just buy from whichever store suits your budget ! Not everybody dose business the same way, I bet SpeedyBdTech does not pay VAT, they probably import with under voucher, You pay in advance for what you buy but if your parcel is lost- who knows what will happen ? Right now their website is expired/hacked ! But I personally know the owner Humayun Vai of SpeedyBdTech, nice guy though! Answered by suntop, 23-May-2016 00:59 AM

হুম Techshop এর জন্যই যে আজ আমি রোবটিক্সে কাজ করতে পারছি তা অবশ্যই স্বীকার করতে হবে কারন Techshop ছাড়া কম্পোনেন্ট গুলো কেনা সম্ভব ছিলো না। কিন্তু দাম খুব বেশি দেখে Techshop এর দামী প্রোডাক্ট কেনার আর সামর্থ নেই।আর হ্যা ভ্যাট না দেয়া ছাড়া স্পিডিটেক এর প্রোডাক্ট এর দাম কম হওয়ার আর কোনো কারন আছে বলে মনেও হচ্ছে না। আর advance এ দিতে হবে দেখে আমার ভাই কে পাঠাবো। আর হ্যা হয়তো তাদের সাইটে কিছু গোলমাল হয়েছে কারন আজ সকালে ঢুকতে পারছিলাম না কিন্তু এখন ঠিক আছে এবং অর্ডার ও দিয়েছি । Answered by salim.sadman111, 23-May-2016 22:24 PM

Q: i bought this one but unfortunately they delivered me the power cable wrong , they shipped me the cable of raspberry pi ! why this mistake ? Questioned by RidwanUr, 15-Feb-2017

Hello, we really have no idea how it happened. Please take a photo of your package and mail to Please do not forget to mention your order number in the mail. Answered by A.R, 16-Feb-2017 10:50 AM

Q: Arduino driver is not installing... :/ plz tell how to solve this? Questioned by rethink2project, 11-Jul-2017

This board used CH340g driver. Please install that from here. Answered by A.R, 12-Jul-2017 10:41 AM

thank you :) Answered by rethink2project, 24-Jul-2017 18:33 PM

Q: Does this have built in USB communication like Leonardo? Questioned by Craftsman, 14-Dec-2018

No. Answered by A.R, 17-Dec-2018 10:11 AM

Q: Arduino Mega 2560 (China) can not communicate with PC. Driver error. Order ID 181358 Questioned by mdrazu, 13-Nov-2019

Hello, Please download and install CH340G driver at first if you have not yet. Answered by A.R, 14-Nov-2019 10:16 AM

Q: Is it using CH340G USB to serial converter chip ? Questioned by Md_Tanzin, 04-Dec-2019

yes Answered by A.R, 05-Dec-2019 09:23 AM

Q: Arduuno uno te jemon kono driver install kora lage na abr china te ch340 driver install kora lage. Mega te erokom version nai jetate driver install kora lagbe na? Questioned by, 23-Aug-2022

Yes, Have. Please see our product from the following link. [Arduino Mega 2560 R3 (A), Model No: DEV-00131] Link: Answered by almamun3248, 03-Sep-2022 11:08 AM

Reviews & Ratings


23 Ratings / 2 Reviews






5, 13-Sep-2023


MDRAFIWAHID, 11-Nov-2024

টেকশপ থেকে নেওয়া ARDUINO MEGA-2560 টি ২০২১ সাল থেকে ব্যবহার করছি, আলহামদুলিল্লাহ এখনো অনেক ভালো সার্ভিস দিচ্ছে।

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