সকল Electronics Hobbyist গণ তাদের project build এর ক্ষেত্রে সব থেকে বড় যে সমস্যা feel করে থাকে, তা হলো power crisis । বিভিন্ন project এ প্রয়োজন হয় বিভিন্ন Voltage Level, যেমন: 3.3V, 5V, 9V আবার কখনো কখনো 12V । বাজারে কিছু সস্তা Variable AC to DC Adapter পাওয়া গেলেও তার output খুব একটা stable নয় । Adapter থেকে 5V সিলেক্ট করার পরও Multimeter দিয়ে পরীক্ষা করলে দেখা যায় output কখনো কখনো 6V এর কাছাকাছি বা তার চেয়ে বেশি ! এ ধরণের Adapter ব্যবহারে অধিকাংশ সময় সার্কিটে থাকা chip গুলো over-voltage এর কারণে burn হয়ে যায় ! ফলে কাঙ্খিত output পাওয়া যায় না ! অনেক সময় একই সার্কিট বারবার build করতে করতে বিরক্ত হয়ে beginner level এর project builder গণ project তৈরীতে হতাশ হয়ে, কাজ করার আগ্রহ হারিয়ে ফেলেন !

আসলে better choice হলো lab power supply ব্যবহার করা । কিন্তু এই ধরণের lab power supply এর মূল্য ১০,০০০/= বা তার চেয়ে অনেক বেশি হয়ে থাকে । তাই beginner level এর electronics hobbyist দের কাজের জন্য এটি একটি বড় অন্তরায় হয়ে দাঁড়ায় ।

এসকল দিক বিবেচনায় আমরা beginner level এর electronics hobbyist দের কাজের সুবিধার জন্য তৈরী করেছি Breadboard Variable Power Supply । যা fully stable output দিতে সক্ষম ।

Breadboard Variable Power Supply বোর্ডটি Breadboard বা Project Board উপর সরাসরি সেট করা যাবে এমন ভাবেই design করা হয়েছে । তাই অতিরুক্ত ভাবে তার টানাটানির ঝামেলা থাকছে না একদমই । এছাড়াও on-board ডিসপ্লেতে আপনি output voltage দেখতে পারবেন ।

তবে হ্যা Breadboard Variable Power Supply কোন standalone power supply নয় । আপনি সরাসরি এর ইনপুটে AC-220V ব্যবহার করতে পারবেন না । প্রয়োজন হবে একটি AC to DC Adapter এর । আপনি maximum যে voltage level পর্যন্ত output কে regulate করতে চাইছেন Breadboard Variable Power Supply এর ইনপুটে আপনাকে তার চেয়ে 3V বেশি (AC to DC Adapter এর মাধ্যমে) ইনপুট দিতে হবে । 



N.B. No Transformer / Adapter is included with this package. 

  • Input Voltage:7V to 25V

  • Variable Output Voltage: 1.3V to 23V 

  • Variable Output Current: 500mA (+Vout Pin)

  • Constant Output Current: 800mA (+5V Pin) 

  • Output Current: 2A (Vin Pin) 

Question & Answer

Total 38 questions

Q: Eta ke ki Volt meter hisebe use kora jabe? Questioned by Nadimulhuq, 15-Oct-2015

Never. Answered by A.R, 15-Oct-2015 15:21 PM

Q: Its great Questioned by Electrotanvir, 27-Oct-2015

Q: ami aita battery charger or power source hisabe use korte parbo ? Questioned by primez, 07-Nov-2015

For mobile battery it will work. For high ampere batteries, no. Answered by A.R, 08-Nov-2015 10:11 AM

Q: eta kivabe use korbo? ami asole voltage output nite parci na.. thik kon kon pin theke output ashce clear na amr kace.. Questioned by Badhon111, 19-Nov-2015

Please see the picture carefully. O/P should be taken from the connectors marked in the picture with (Variable Output) Answered by A.R, 22-Nov-2015 09:50 AM

Q: Does this unit not come with its own adapter? I have not received one with my purchase. It is useless if you do not provide one. Questioned by azmeen, 08-Jan-2016

It never comes with adapter. Answered by A.R, 09-Jan-2016 09:16 AM

I would request that you clarify this in the item description. Should I just use any adapter within the input voltage range? Answered by azmeen, 09-Jan-2016 15:28 PM

Yes. Use any adapter within the mentioned range. Answered by A.R, 09-Jan-2016 16:10 PM

Q: How to setup it in breadboard? Questioned by Fahmid_96, 16-Feb-2016

It sits directly on this breadboard. https://www.techshopbd.com/product-categories/project-board/231/breadboard-techshop-bangladesh Answered by A.R, 16-Feb-2016 12:04 PM

Q: Accha etar ki cover nei,,,,picture e jemon khola deya ache,,real eo ki emon e cover chara? Questioned by Mohammedshabib, 25-Feb-2016

As same as picture. No cover. Answered by A.R, 25-Feb-2016 17:39 PM

Q: what is the Max current output of this module???? can it supply more than 2A??? Questioned by mushfiq.martinie.xen, 13-Mar-2016

Already written. See the 'specifications' please. Answered by A.R, 13-Mar-2016 12:47 PM

if i use below linked product in it's output , is it possible to increase the range of output Answered by jahangir03eee, 17-Jun-2016 12:23 PM

https://www.techshopbd.com/product-categories/modules-98775/1513/dc-dc-boost-converter-techshop-bangladesh Answered by jahangir03eee, 17-Jun-2016 12:24 PM

No. Answered by FAHIM_REAZA, 19-Jun-2016 10:25 AM

By using "DC-DC boost converter" with "Breadboard Variable Power Supply", it is possible to increase the output voltage, thus decrease the output current. Answered by FAHIM_REAZA, 19-Jun-2016 10:50 AM

Q: it can use as a voltage Boaster ? like if u input 15v can get output as 19v ? Questioned by primez, 20-Mar-2016

No. Answered by A.R, 21-Mar-2016 14:06 PM

Q: can i attach a transformer for input current , if it possible how can i attach that?? Questioned by milon_das, 29-Mar-2016

Q: is this AC to DC or DC to Dc ?? Questioned by asif_zh, 20-Apr-2016

You can use 8V (minimum) to 40V (maximum) both AC and DC as an input. You have to insure that, the voltage level does not exceed 40V, we recommend to use 33V maximum input. Answered by FAHIM_REAZA, 21-Apr-2016 12:19 PM

Thanks a lot Answered by asif_zh, 23-Apr-2016 11:11 AM

whats its output ? if i give DC input then it will give DC or it converts AC to DC ? Answered by asif_zh, 23-Apr-2016 19:19 PM

It is not a factor that the input is either AC or DC; the output of "Breadboard Variable Power Supply" is always DC. Answered by FAHIM_REAZA, 24-Apr-2016 18:24 PM

Q: আমার ১৮ ভোল্টের সোলারেরর সাথে কানেক্ট করে আমার মোবাইল চার্জ দিতে পারব? Questioned by Suny000, 22-May-2016

It is not recommended to charge any rechargeable battery without any over-current protection system. Answered by FAHIM_REAZA, 29-May-2016 17:38 PM

Q: ? Questioned by Suny000, 24-May-2016

Q: এই বোর্ডটি কি DC ভোল্টেজ এর জন্য??? Questioned by ahsanhabibanik1998, 04-Jun-2016

Yes. Answered by FAHIM_REAZA, 05-Jun-2016 18:38 PM

এর ইনপুট ভোল্টেজ কত হতে হবে??? 12V এ কী হবে?? // Answered by ahsanhabibanik1998, 10-Jun-2016 17:08 PM

The input voltage range is from 7V to 35V. Answered by FAHIM_REAZA, 11-Jun-2016 13:44 PM

Q: Can you please name an ac to dc adapter of 35v output which I can use with this variable power supply? Thanks in advance. Questioned by namesaq, 20-Jun-2016

Dear customer, at this time we have no such " 35V AC to DC Adapter" in our stock. You can search this product in local electronics market. Or you can use a such voltage rating step-down-transformer. We have already made a conversation with our sourcing department, they will try to available this product soon in TechShopBD stock. Thanks for with us. Answered by FAHIM_REAZA, 21-Jun-2016 09:13 AM

Q: can I use it for recharge 12V 9Ah storage battery with 25V step down transformer..??? answer me please..!!! Questioned by Jewel143, 24-Jun-2016

Q: I ordered this a few days ago but did ot have the adapter so i cdnt use it.. but once i got the adapter i found that the output voltage is not constant and not even reaching 5V... what should i do? Questioned by Muhtasim1, 26-Jun-2016

Please send this product to us with component order invoice copy. Answered by FAHIM_REAZA, 10-Jul-2016 10:47 AM

Q: For people who is interested about this - the O/P voltage depends on I/P voltage, so it is better to use a step down transformar with a custom made rectifier circuit that can provide near 24 Volts. The Higher the i/p voltage(obviously not more than 30) , the higher the o/p voltage. My review - ★★★★★ Questioned by kriton091, 14-Sep-2016

Q: If I input 12V DC, is it possible to output 1.3v-30v ? Questioned by himmat, 14-Feb-2017

Q: hi i just ordered one...can you please tell me how much current it can take? can you recommend any adapter please Questioned by riyad_rahman, 09-Mar-2017

https://www.techshopbd.com/product-categories/charger/1501/12v-2a-power-adapter-techshop-bangladesh This one will work. Answered by A.R, 11-Mar-2017 09:50 AM

Q: Ai bord ta kono box e boshanor ki kono babostha achay.... jodi thakay taholay bolben please Questioned by Anwar156, 25-Mar-2017

এটার জন্য আমাদের বানানো কোনো বক্স নাই। Answered by A.R, 25-Mar-2017 11:12 AM

Q: Maximum voltage input 40V or 35V? Plz sure this? Questioned by himmat, 24-Apr-2017

You can use a minimum range of 8V and maximum of 40V as a input. (recommended voltage is upto 35V). At 40V it will become very hot. Answered by A.R, 25-Apr-2017 10:20 AM

DC. Answered by A.R, 06-Aug-2017 10:32 AM

Q: Hi, if i use 12V 2A Power Adapter(MIS-00131), what should i get the output voltage and current in max? Questioned by byron_sarker, 02-Jun-2017

Voltage = 1.25V to 9V maximum. Current = Up to 1A Answered by A.R, 04-Jun-2017 11:16 AM

Q: Ata ki complete Hoyle asbee? Snaking amader banate hoby. Questioned by RimonChowdhury, 06-Aug-2017

ছবিতে যেরকম দেখা যাচ্ছে সেভাবেই বিক্রী হবে। Answered by A.R, 06-Aug-2017 16:17 PM

Q: Hello vaiya Ei circuit er output Current max koto plz bolben... Questioned by H.R.Shanto, 26-Apr-2018

1A. Answered by A.R, 28-Apr-2018 09:16 AM

Q: Can I use this power Jack as input:https://www.techshopbd.com/product-categories/socket/771/power-jack-techshop-bangladesh And can I give 19 volts as input? Questioned by HRDIBBO, 15-Oct-2018

Input Voltage:7V to 25V. And yes. The mentioned power jack is compatible. Answered by A.R, 16-Oct-2018 09:14 AM

Q: works very nicely. Questioned by miltonche, 05-Nov-2018

Q: Maximum output current??? Questioned by Raihanayon, 11-Nov-2018

It has 3 maximum ratings for 3 different lines. Please see the specification tab. Answered by A.R, 11-Nov-2018 17:22 PM

Q: I powered a laser diode(same one that is on your website) and this thing broke. Probably a the potentiometer or a resistor broke course the resistor keeps heating up constantly. Now it has a voltage range of 13.7v to 23v. What do I do? Questioned by Craftsman, 05-Dec-2018

Q: এটাতে ১.৩-১৩+ ভোল্ট ও ২এম্পিয়ার আউটপুট পেতে কত ইনপুট দিতে হবে? Questioned by rashidahmmed, 08-Sep-2019

ইনপুট ভোল্টেজ সবসময়ই 7V to 25V এর মধ্যেই রাখতে হবে। নব ঘুরিয়ে ঘুরিয়ে আউটপুট অ্যাডজাস্ট করতে হবে। Answered by A.R, 11-Sep-2019 09:30 AM

Q: Etate ki IC use kora hoise.. Amar tar IC ta gese Questioned by IKHTIDAR, 18-Sep-2019

আমাদের তৈরী যেকোনো প্রডাক্টের মতো এটাতেও এক বছরের সার্ভিস ওয়ারেন্টি আছে। আপনার প্রডাক্টটি যদি এই সময়সীমার মধ্যে কেনা হয়ে থাকে তাহলে অনুগ্রহ করে ক্রয়ের ইনভয়েজসহ আমাদের অফিসে পাঠিয়ে দিন। Answered by A.R, 19-Sep-2019 09:13 AM

Q: Ami already etar transistor gulo change kore dekhesi.. Akhono ki eta ami pathate parbo? Warrenty aro 3 mash ase Questioned by IKHTIDAR, 23-Sep-2019

Q: We've investigated your case. If you've damaged the 14 pin DIL IC or the 7 segment display, we cannot provide you service warranty as we don't have those components available on our website. Please check the last line of point 1 of our warranty policy: https://www.techshopbd.com/about-us/support#warranty_replacement Questioned by techshopbd, 26-Sep-2019

Q: A multi turn variable register along with the main variable register would make it easy to use in my opinion. Also a connector header for the input voltage would have allowed us to daisy chain more then one unit of this PSU in the same project. Questioned by wirahim, 27-Sep-2019

Q: I don't thik thak they are damaged... Questioned by IKHTIDAR, 02-Oct-2019

Q: Power supply বোর্ডএ একটা IC আছে। তার নাম্বার মুছে িিিিদছেন কেন? এটা তো দুই নাম্বারি। Questioned by GaneshS, 06-Sep-2020

বোর্ডে থাকা IC টি কি তা না জেনেই এই প্রোডাক্টটি সম্পূর্ণরূপে ব্যবহার করা সম্ভব। সুতরাং আমরা IC মডেল / নাম্বার মুছে দিলে তাতে ব্যবহারকারীর কোন সমস্যাই হবে না। আমাদের প্রোডাক্ট কিনে কোন অসাধু ব্যবসায়ী যেন নিম্নমানের কপি/ ক্লোন তৈরি করতে না পারে তার জন্যই আমরা IC মডেল নাম্বার মুছে দেই। Answered by techshopbd, 08-Sep-2020 12:48 PM

Q: I recently bought the product from you. The link to the blog you provided states that the voltage can be adjusted to 0.1V.But I cannot lower the voltage than 1.4 volts.That is the minimum output I am getting.Is there any way to lower it or is this the minimum voltage? Questioned by aajbeast@gmail.com, 26-Jan-2022

স্যার, আপনি হয়তো বুঝতে ভূল করেছেন! Blog এ Variable Voltage Adjustment এর কথা বলা হয়েছে। অর্থাৎ নব ঘুরালে ভোল্টেজ 0.1V করে increment/Decrement হবে। তাছাড়া Product Page এর Specification Tap এ উল্লেখ করা হয়েছে "Variable Output Voltage: 1.3V to 23V"। কিন্তু সেখানে আপনি 1.3V এর পরিবর্তে, 1.4V পাচ্ছেন। Temperature Effect এর জন্য 0.1V কম/বেশি হওয়াটাই স্বাভাবিক। Answered by FAHIM_REAZA, 27-Jan-2022 13:33 PM

Q: Are there any schematics for this variable power supply? Some components broke off, I need to fix it. Questioned by Pritom_Paul, 13-Nov-2024

Sorry! The schematic is not available. Answered by TechShopBD, 13-Nov-2024 16:23 PM

Reviews & Ratings


2 Ratings / 2 Reviews







jobair, 31-Jan-2022

Good power supply


Omor_sec, 21-Jun-2022

It doesn't have any short circuit protection. I just by mistake made a short circuit while checking it with the multimeter. The voltage can't be regulated any more. It just provide the same voltage as input voltage.

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