These AVR programmers are based on  USBISP firmware and connect to your computer's USB port. This programmer is fully compatible with the following development board: 



And of course you can use this programmer for programming your other avr-development-board or a single avr-chip by connecting their VCC, GND, MISO, MOSI, SCK, RESET pins with this programmer. 

Question & Answer

Total 20 questions

Q: this is not USBasp programmer, This is USB ISP programmer and does not supported by AVRDUDE. Questioned by KhairulHasanmd, 02-Feb-2016

Q: Can it program pololu 3pi robot? which has ATmega328 Questioned by Mohiuddin.rafiul, 29-Mar-2016

Q: can i use it with AVR Studio directly ????? Questioned by mushfiq.martinie.xen, 12-May-2016

Q: can i use it with AVR Studio directly ????? Questioned by mushfiq.martinie.xen, 12-May-2016

Yes, you can. For achieve this feature have to create and add an "External Tool" setting from the "AVR Studio". Answered by FAHIM_REAZA, 16-May-2016 10:20 AM

Q: Can i program pololu 3pi robot with it? Questioned by Anindya11, 19-Sep-2016

Q: is it support 24C64 eeprom Questioned by jahangir03eee, 09-Feb-2017

Q: can I program atmega32a with this. do u give driver software for Windows with this. pls reply. Questioned by NAIMHASAN, 09-Feb-2017

You can. Burner software is given in the documents section. This product is not made by us. This is made by us. Answered by A.R, 11-Feb-2017 10:27 AM

Q: thank u very much for reply.but firstly when I tried to go to the link of the burner soft that is given in the doc sec. it goes only to didn't dind any burner soft. when I plug the usbisp to my pc it detect the usb . but how to identify. by going through cmd . avrdude -c (what should I type next .should I type "usbtiny" or "avrisp" both doesn't to connect this with my pc. I have installed winavr.and I am using Windows 7 x64 Questioned by NAIMHASAN, 14-Feb-2017

Software is given in google drive. Please login to your google account. Answered by A.R, 14-Feb-2017 10:17 AM

Q: Can you give me any Driver software link please !! Thanks in advance. Questioned by ahsanhabibanik1998, 19-Feb-2017

Q: Can I program ESP8266 MODULE ? Questioned by Mamun1990, 07-Oct-2018

Sorry. Can't understand. This is an AVR programmer. What is the relationship of ESP8266 with this? Answered by A.R, 08-Oct-2018 09:26 AM

Q: Is this support windows 10? Questioned by Iftiking, 05-Dec-2018

Yes. Answered by A.R, 06-Dec-2018 09:37 AM

Q: এটা দিয়ে কি সকল এভিআর মাইক্রোকন্ট্রোলার প্রোগ্রাম করা যায়? যেমন ATMEGA328p. Questioned by abu_sufian, 08-Mar-2019

যাবে। Answered by A.R, 09-Mar-2019 17:39 PM

Q: what is difference between AVR Programmer Model : PRG-00001 and this programmer?? Questioned by alphazisan, 23-Mar-2019

PRG-00001 is much easier to use and that one has 1 year service warranty as that is manufactured by us. Answered by A.R, 24-Mar-2019 09:44 AM

Q: এটা দিয়ে কি সকল এভিআর মাইক্রোকন্ট্রোলার প্রোগ্রাম করা যায়? যেমন ATtiny13 Questioned by shahinahmed0177971, 27-Jun-2019

Q: Kindly mention supported MCUs of this programmer. Questioned by Mithun_K_Das, 12-Mar-2020

Same as USBASP. Answered by A.R, 15-Mar-2020 17:56 PM

Can it work with 8051 series MCUs? Answered by Mithun_K_Das, 15-Mar-2020 19:45 PM

As per the resources we got, it can programme AT89S, AT90CAN and AT90S series. But the supplier didn't provide us any manual regrading how to do that. Answered by A.R, 16-Mar-2020 10:51 AM

Q: Prblm: I have purchased an Arduino Uno but this need bootloader. I have seen that from youtube that it can be solved by burn bootloader in Atmega8pu microcontroller. To burn a bootloader i have to use pre-installed chip to burn my new Atmega8pu chip. Q: will this device solve my Mentioned problem of bootloader burn? Questioned by, 10-May-2021

আপনার প্রশ্নের জন্য ধন্যবাদ। স্যার আপনি জেনে থাকবেন প্রত্যেকটি Arduino Uno বোর্ড আগে থেকেই bootloader burn করা অবস্থায় এসে থাকে। আপনাকে নতুন করে bootloader burn করার প্রয়ােজন নেই। তবে আপনি যদি on board chip নষ্ট করে ফেলে থাকেন, অথবা পরিবর্তন করতে চান, সেক্ষেত্রে নতুন ক্রয়কৃত chip এ bootloader burn করে নিতে হবে। এই bootloader burn করার বেশ কিছু প্রচলিত উপায় রয়েছে। আপনি google করলে সে বিষয়ে সুষ্পষ্ট ধারণ নিশ্চয় পেয়ে যাবেন। আপনি এই ডিভাইসটি ব্যবহারের মাধ্যমেও bootloader burn করতে পারবেন। তবে আপনার প্রশ্নের উত্তরে আমি আপনাকে নিচের লিংকে দেওয়া AVR Programmer R2 প্রোগ্রামারটি ব্যবহারের পরামর্শ দিবো। (Link: = Answered by FAHIM_REAZA, 18-May-2021 11:29 AM

Q: Does this support AT89S51 Questioned by, 22-May-2023

Q: eta ki windows10 64 bit os e chalano jabe?? ar atmega microcontroller program kora jabe?? Questioned by Noorbd, 31-Jul-2023

Q: eta ki windows10 64 bit os e chalano jabe?? ar atmega microcontroller program kora jabe?? Questioned by Noorbd, 31-Jul-2023

জি, এটি Windows 10, 64 bit এর পিসিতে চলবে এবং ATmega মাইক্রোকন্ট্রোলার প্রোগ্রাম করা যাবে। Answered by Nur_Mohammad, 03-Aug-2023 15:23 PM

Q: Can I use it directly with Arduino ide?? Also can I use it in win10 64 bit os. Questioned by Noorbd, 05-Aug-2023

pleasse check this item Answered by Atiqur_ORELCO, 06-Aug-2023 11:28 AM

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